Friday, September 10, 2010


Well, what a week it has been. Brother is recovering from a week long illness of which I will not give you the details, trust me you do not want to know. I fear that Sister is out growing naptime. :(. I knew this day would come I was just hoping it would come a little later, like when she heads of to school. Sister is taking a real interest in taking pictures these days. She isn't half bad at it either considering she's 3. It still makes me nervous to let her use our camera but so far so good. I have realized recently that I am holding too much anger these days. I don't really understand the source, but it certainly releases itself most relentlessly on my family. I have decided that I am not just going to sit here and let anger burn me up and cause hurt to my family. Nope. I am going to fight back. I am going to take time every day to look at the wonderful moments (of which there are plenty) of each day. For instance, Husbie called me during work hours today (almost never happens unless of course there is something important that needs tending to) to make sure our weekend is free so that we can clear out and paint our bedroom. I am really excited about this. You see we have lived in this house for 2 years now and our bedroom is still white. I am ready for a change. Well, gotta get back to work.